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Yeast DNA Preparation Kit | DNA Genômico Cellco
Código | Yeast DNA Preparation Kit |
Categoria | DNA Genômico - Kits com Coluna de silica |
Marca | Cellco |
Yeast DNA Preparation Kit | DNA Genômico - Cellco
Purificação de DNA Genômico de Fungos
Isolamento com coluna de sílica
shipped at ambient temperature
Condições de armazenamento:
Store at ambient temperature (except Rnase, Proteinase K and Lyticase store at - 20 ºC)
12 months
Kit Contents:
- Cell Resuspension Solution
- Lyticase (before use, solve in Lyticase Suspension Solution to obtain a final concentration of 2.5 units/µl) - store at -20 °C
- Lyticase Suspension Solution
- Cell Lysis Solution
- RNase A (before use, solve in double distilled water to obtain a final concentration of 50 mg/ml) - store at -20 °C
- Proteinase K (before use, add double distilled water as indicated on the bottle - store at -20 °C)
- Washing Buffer (before use, add 96-99 % Ethanol as indicated on the bottle)
- Binding buffer
- Activation buffer
- Elution Buffer
- Spin Columns and 2 ml Collection Tubes
Additional Materials Required:
- Double distilled water
- Ethanol 96-99 %
- 1.5 or 2.0 mL microtubes
The spin column based Yeast DNA Preparation Kit is designed for rapid and high purity isolation of genomic DNA from yeast cells. The spin column based method completely removes PCR inhibitors such as divalent cations and proteins resulting in a high purity preparation of genomic DNA. There is no use of phenol or chloroform, handling is safe and does not produce any harmful waste. Column based genomic DNA purification kits yield up to 30 µg DNA sized from 200 bp to 50 kb per preparation.
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