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Gel & PCR Extraction Kit | DNA Cleanup Cellco
Código | Gel & PCR Extraction Kit |
Categoria | DNA Cleanup |
Marca | Cellco |
Gel & PCR Extraction Kit | DNA Cleanup - Cellco
Kit baseado em coluna de sílica para clean-up de DNA a partir de gel de agarose e produto de PCR
• Extraction and Binding Buffer
• Activation Buffer
• Washing Buffer (before use, add 96-99 % Ethanol as indicated on the bottle)
• Elution Buffer
• Spin Columns
• 2 ml Collection Tubes
• 96-99% Ethanol
• Isopropanol (for high yield sample preparation)
• 1.5 ml microtubes
• Automatic fluorescent sequencing
• Restriction digestion
• Ligation and transformation
Buffer | DPK-106XS 10 preps | DPK-106S 50 preps | DPK-106L 250 preps |
Extraction and Binding Buffer | 12 ml | 60 ml | 260 ml |
Activation Buffer | 1.2 ml | 6 ml | 30 ml |
Washing Buffer | add 12 ml Ethanol (final volume 15 mL) | add 64 ml Ethanol (final volume 80 mL) | add 160 ml Ethanol to each bottle (final volume 200 mL) |
Elution Buffer | 1.2 ml | 6 ml | 30 ml |
1a. Excision of the gel
• Cut the area of gel containing the DNA fragment.
• Transfer the excised gel to a clean 1.5 ml microtube.
1b. Sample Preparation:
• Add 3 volumes of Extraction/Binding Buffer to 1 volume of the sliced gel.
• For example, add 300 µl Extraction/Binding Buffer to each 100 mg (approx.100 µl) gel. For gels containing >2.5 % agarose, add 6 volumes of Extraction/Binding Buffer per gel volume.
• Incubate at 60 °C for 10 min with occasional mixing to ensure gel dissolution.
• Add 1 volume of Isopropanol per gel volume to the dissolved gel and mix well
1c. Column Activation:
• Place a Spin Column into a 2 ml collection tube.
• Add 100 µl of Activation Buffer into the Binding Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec in a micro-centrifuge.
1d. Column Loading:
• Apply the sample mixture from step 1b into activated Spin Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec.
• Discard the flow-through.
1e. Column Washing:
• Place the DNA loaded Spin Column into the used 2 ml tube.
• Add 700 µl of Washing Buffer (containing Ethanol) to the Spin Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec and discard the flowthrough.
Optional Secondary Washing:
Recommended only for DNA >200 bp, if highly purified DNA (for DNA sequencing, transfection etc.) is required.
• Add 700 µl of Washing Buffer to the Spin Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec and discard the flowthrough.
• Centrifuge again for 2 min to remove residual Washing Buffer.
1f. Elution
• Place the Spin Column into a clean 1.5 ml microtube (not provided in the kit).
• Add 30-50 µl Elution Buffer or dd-water to the center of the column membrane.
• Incubate for 1 min at room temperature.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 1 min to elute DNA.
2a. Standard Sample Preparation:
For DNA fragment sizes in the range of 200 bp to 5 kbp:
• Add 5 volumes of Extraction/Binding Buffer to 1 volume of DNA sample and mix well. For example, if the volume of the sample is 50 µl, add 250 µl Extraction/Binding Buffer.
2b. High Yield Sample Preparation:
For DNA fragment sizes smaller than 200 bp or larger than 5 kbp:
• Add 3 volumes Extraction/Binding Buffer and 2 volumes of Isopropanol to the PCR sample. For example, if the volume of your DNA sample is 50 µl, add 150 µl Extraction/Binding Buffer and 100 µl Isopropanol.
2c. Column Activation:
• Place a Spin Column into a 2 ml collection tube.
• Add 100 µl of Activation Buffer into the Binding Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec in a micro-centrifuge.
2d. Column Loading:
• Apply the sample mixture from step 1 into activated Spin Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec.
• Discard the flow-through.
2e. Column Washing:
• Place the DNA loaded Spin Column into the used 2 ml tube.
• Apply 700 µl of Washing Buffer (containing Ethanol) to the Spin Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec and discard the flowthrough.
Optional Secondary Washing:
Recommended only for DNA >200 bp, if highly purified DNA (for DNA sequencing, transfection etc.) is required.
• Add 700 µl of Washing Buffer to the Spin Column.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 30 sec and discard the flowthrough.
• Centrifuge again for 2 min to remove residual Washing Buffer.
2f. Elution
• Place the Spin Column into a clean 1.5 ml microtube (not provided in the kit).
• Add 30-50 µl Elution Buffer or dd-water to the center of the column membrane.
• Incubate for 1 min at room temperature.
• Centrifuge at 10,000 g for 1 min to elute DNA.
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